Hanged Man Studio
Why do I call my studio, Hanged Man Studio? Hanged man does not refer to the spelling game played by children, nor does it refer an executioner. Rather, it refers to the 12th card of the Major Arcana of the tarot deck--The Hanged man. I am not a believer in the mystic or predictive properties of the tarot. I do, however, love great stories and myths, symbols and the cards of the tarot represent a great wealth of these. My interest in the card goes to its origins and connections with Odin, the all father of Norse mythology. In the elder Edda (the source of much Norse mythology) there is poem of Odin quest for knowledge in the land of the dead: wounded I hung on the wind-swept gallows, for nine long nights, I was pierced by a spear, I was an offering to Odin, offered, myself to myself No one has ever known or will ever know the roots of that ancient tree No one came to comfort me with bread no one revived me with drink from a horn I peered at...